First days. They are always full of surprises. They’re never the same as the others in your life – always uniquely fascinating to experience. And so, my first day back in full time college is in the books. And my what a day.
It’s been a day of discoveries. Chief among them has been the rather odd revelation that I enjoy sitting in the back of the room. In my years as a elementary student, middle school student and even high school – I usually managed the middle of the class or if I was feeling rather adventurous – head of the class. I’ve never intentionally found myself sitting in the back of any class – until today. Each class I’ve gone to I’ve made sure to sit in the farthest back seat in the house. I’m not sure what that means or if it means anything in the long run.
Perhaps it has something to do with my recent epiphany that I am mostly an introverted person that doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention or the know it all in class. I have one in my geography class – and he’s made an entire class not like him on the first day. I used to be that kid. An opinion on everything with thoughts on each question the teacher asked and a overabundance of needing to insert myself into each discussion. I still have to catch myself inserting my thoughts into everything but I’d like to think I’m getting better. I’m not a newt anymore, so I’ve got that going for me.
I think the most illuminating part of today was finding parts of my general education classes that I will absolutely enjoy in a way I didn’t originally expect. There’s actually several elements of writing within my ‘Intro to Theatre” and even producing that will probably do my inner theatre geek some good. In my Geography class there’s even a ‘Travel Journey’ that I’m tasked with keeping which will give me plenty to dream about in my next few years in college.
All in all, it’s been a glorious first day. The work load that’s going to come out of these sixteen credit hours will certainly tax my ability but the work will be something I enjoy and certainly use not just in my professional life as a teacher but also my amateur writer that desperately wants to get better at his craft.
Until next time…onwards and upwards!